Editorial Board

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Editorial Board


Raïa Zaïmova, Bulgaria: Institute of Balkan studies & Centre of Thracology – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (IBSCT-BAS, Sofia, rzaimova@balkanstudies.bg)

Editorial Board

Fikret Adanır, Turkey (Sabanci University, Istanbul, adanir@sabanciuniv.edu), Gheorghe Lazăr, Romania (“Nicolae Iorga” Institute of History, Romanian Academy, Bucharest, georgelaz2005@yahoo.fr), Stanoje Bojanin, Serbia (Institute for Byzantine Studies – Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade, sbojanin@gmail.com), Ulf Brunnbauer, Germany  (University of Regensburg, Ulf.Brunnbauer@geschichte.uni-regensburg.de), Nathalie Clayer, France (French National Centre for Scientific Research; School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences, Paris, Nathalie.Clayer@ehess.fr), Nadia Danova, Bulgaria (IBSCT-BAS, Sofia, nadiadnv@yahoo.com), Raymond Detrez, Belgium (Ghent University, Raymond.Detrez@ugent.be), Rossitsa Gradeva, Bulgaria (IBSCT-BAS, Sofia, rgradeva@balkanstudies.bg), Francesco Guida, Italy (Roma Tre University, guida@uniroma3.it), Wolfgang Höpken, Germany (Leipzig University, hoepken@rz.uni-leipzig.de),  Ivan Ilchev, Bulgaria (Sofia University, ivan.ilchev@uni-sofia.bg), Pascalis Kitromilidis, Greece (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, pkitrom@eie.gr), Alexandre Kostov, Bulgaria (IBSCT-BAS, Sofia, kostov.alexandre@gmail.com), Ana Lalaj, Albania (Centre of Albanological Studies, Tirana, analalaj50@gmail.com), Georgi N. Nikolov, Bulgarie (Université de Sofia “St. Kliment Ohridski”, gnikolov2@gmail.com), Dobrinka Parusheva, Bulgaria (Plovdiv University; IBSCT-BAS, Sofia, parusheva@uni-plovdiv.bg), Roumiana Preshlenova, Bulgaria (IBSCT-BAS, Sofia, roumiana.preshlenova@balkanstudies.bg), Ljubodrag P. Ristić, Serbia (Institute for Balkan Studies – Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade, risticvb@eunet.rs), Simeon A. Simeonov (IEBCT-ABS, Sofia, simeonasimeonov@gmail.com), Elena  Siupiur, Romania (Institute for Southeast European Studies – Romanian Academy Bucharest, elena.siupiur@gmail.com), Maria Todorova, USA (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, mtodorov@illinois.edu), Galina Valtchinova, France (University of Toulouse, gvaltchi@univ-tlse2.fr)

Chief Assistant

Malamir Spassov, Bulgaria, Institute of Balkan studies & Centre of Thracology   (IBSCT-BAS, Sofia, malamir_spasov@balkanstudies.bg)

Editorial Assistant

Violeta Manolova, Bulgaria, Institute of Balkan studies & Centre of Thracology  (IBSCT-BAS, Sofia, etudesbalk@balkanstudies.bg)

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