ISSN: 0324-1645               ISSN (online): 2534-8574

Etudes balkaniques

Etudes balkaniques is a quarterly peer-review journal, which has been publishing research since 1964. Research papers related to the Balkan countries in French, English, German, Russian and Italian have appeared in it, thus making them available to a wide scientific community across borders.

The journal publishes information about various academic events: publications of new works, announcements and reviews of international conferences, congresses and other forums, dedicated to research on the Balkans.

In the structure of the journal are included interdisciplinary studies, contributing to the clarification of specific issues of the socio-economic, political and cultural development of the Balkan countries, viewed from various aspects of their relations with other regions in Europe and the Mediterranean, from ancient times till present.
Etudes balkaniques journal is a place for meetings between researchers and university lecturers, interested in the Balkans issues.

Études balkaniques is distributed in Bulgaria and abroad through the international system for exchange of publications at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciencеs and through distribution agencies’ subscriptions.

Études balkaniques is also available via CEEOL and EBSCO.


Review and Publication Procedure

Études balkaniques has a double-blind peer review system applied in the following steps:

  1. The articles are reviewed by at least two experts in the respective field and period from Bulgaria and abroad. The reviewers’ experts are not part of the journal’s editorial staff. No fees or charges for authors and reviewers experts.
    The journal Etudes balkaniques does not have fees for manuscript processing and recognizes PEMS.
  2. The reviewers fill in a Review form. In it, they recommend whether the article is to be accepted; accepted following reworking considering recommendations and re-submission; rejected.
  3. In the case of serious disagreement in the reviewers’ opinion, the article is sent to a third reviewer.
  4. When the article needs significant changes and re-submission, it is sent to the same reviewers for approval.
  5. The reviewers’ recommendations determine the decision of the Editorial Board about the publication of the article. The leading criteria for the publication of a text are its relevance to the thematic and chronological scope of the journal; its contribution to the field; its academic significance and high academic standards.
  6. Following approval by the Editorial Board the author is informed about the publication date.
  7. The authors receive a digital offprint of their article and a hard copy of the full issue.

The materials published in the journal since 1990, as well as all future issues could be purchased on the Internet: www.ceeol.com and www.ebsco.com

The Institute of Balkan Studies & Centre of Thracology (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences) is the publisher of Études balkaniques.

Subscription Terms

For 4 issues per year (2022)
Europe: 72 € (20€ issue price)
USA, Canada, Japan: 90 € (25 € issue price)
E-mail: etudesbalk@gmail.com
and etudesbalk@balkanstudies.bg

Etudes balkaniques is a quarterly peer-review journal refereed with:

AmH@L – America: History and Life
BHA – Bibliographie of the History of Art
BiblLing – Linguistic Bibliography
CurCont – Current Contents
HistAb – History Abstracts
IBR – Internationale Bibliographie der Rezensionen
IBSS – International Bibliography of the Social Sciences
MLA-IB – Modern Language Association of America: Bibliography of Books and Articles on Modern Languages and Literatures
NumL – Numismatic Literature
PerIslam – Periodica Islamica
Information is also available at Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory.


Papers, reviews of newly published books and research activities in the field of Balkan studies in Bulgaria and abroad.


English, French, German, Italian and Russian.

Revenue sources

Etudes balkaniques is supported by the Institute of Balkan Studies&Centre of Thracology (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences) and occasionally by the National Research Fund (Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science).

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