ROMAIN GARY ET LA BULGARIE Études balkaniques (Sofia) 2023, N 4 Maya TIMENOVA – KOEN Païssii Hilendarski University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria Romain Gary and Bulgaria Abstract:
ROMAIN GARY ET LA BULGARIE Études balkaniques (Sofia) 2023, N 4 Maya TIMENOVA – KOEN Païssii Hilendarski University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria Romain Gary and Bulgaria Abstract:
Pandemics in the Past. The Plague of 1656 in Naples Through a Particular Source: The Accounting Documents of the Ancient Public Banks Études Balkaniques (Sofia),
ON THE PAST, MEMORY, RECOLLECTIONS AND HISTORY OF THE BULGARIANS IN “SIMVASILEVUSA” Malamir Spasov Institute of Balkan Studies & Centre of Thracology, (Bulgarian Academy of
HISTORY TEXTBOOKS AS AND SOURCE OF SERBO-ALBANIAN CONFLICT. ALBANIAN POINT OF VIEW Ethem Çeku Hasan Prishtina University of Prishtina, Kosovo Abstract: The contents of school texts
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