Issue: 2017 N 1

Issue: 2017 N 1


Veton LATIFI, Theorizing Nationalism: The National Identity as a Particular Form of Collective Identity and Its Political Relevance in the Balkans

Spaska SHUMANOVA, Bulgarian-Romanian Economic Relations (1944-1965)

Panayiota MINI, The Image of the Turk in Greek Fiction Cinema: An Overview

Heinz DUCHHARDT, The Congress of Vienna, the Balkans and the Mediterranean

Nadia DANOVA, Ce monde rapetissant

Byzantine Studies

Pierre MOUKARZEL, Les relations commerciales entre Byzance et le sultanat mamelouk (XIIIe- XVe siècles)

Georgi DIMOV, Economic Relations between the Norman Kingdom of Siciliy and the Byzantine Empire (1130–1194)

Notices bibliographiques

Lexikon zur Geschichte Südosteuropas. Herausgegeben von Holm Sundhaussen und Konrad Clewing. Zweite erweiterte und aktualisierte Auflage. Böhlau Verlag, Wien-Köln-Weimar, 2016, 1102 S. (Roumiana PRESHLENOVA)

Иван Русев, Търговската модерност на Българското възраждане като култура и практика. Изследване и извори. Велико Търново, Ровита, 2015, 743 с. (Nadia DANOVA)

Paschalis M. Kitromilides, Enlightenment and Revolution. The Making of Modern Greece. Harvard University Press, 2013, 452 p. (Tsvetomir B. TODOROV)

Přemysl Rosůlek, Albánci a Makedonská republika (1991–2014). Praha, Nakladatelství Libri, 2015, 396 s. (Mariana STAMOVA)

Jan Pelikán, Novými cestami. Kosovo v letech 1958–1969. Práce Filozofické Univerzity Karlovy, 2014, 402 s. (Mariana STAMOVA)

Олексанр Середа. Османсько-украïнське степове порубiжжя в джерелах XVIII ст./ Oleksandr Sereda. XVIII Yüzyıi Osmanlı Işığında Osmanlı-Ukrayna Bozkır Serhatti. Одеса, Астропринт, 2015, 312 с. (Mariya SHUSHAROVA)

Denis F. Sullivan, Alice-Mary Talbot, Stamatina McGrath, The Life of St. Basil the Younger. Critical Edition and Annotated Translation of the Moscow Version [Dumbarton Oaks Studies XLV], (Washington, DC: Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, 2014), 829 p. (Liliana SIMEONOVA)

Vie scientifique

Bulgarian-Romanian Colloquium “North and South of the Danube: Missionaries, Travelers, Merchants (15th-18th Centuries)” (Malamir SPASOV)

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