Issue: 2020 N 1

Issue: 2020 N 1

Published online: 22 Mar 2020


Nadia DANOVA, Le rôle de la langue grecque dans la vie économique des Balkans aux XVIIIe-XIXe siècles

Ileana MIHAILA, La Compagnie de la mer Noire ou la mer perdue des Roumains au XVIIIe siècle

Stefka PARVEVA, Social Profile and Professional Mobility of Rural Pedlars in Rumeli at the End of the 17th and Mid-18th Centuries

Theodor DIMITROV, “And Еverything Here Was Filled with Misery and Tears”: A Few Notes on the Black Death Demographic Impact on Byzantium, 1347–1453

Notices bibliographiques
Bisser Petrov, Bulgaria i novoto slavyansko dvizhenie (1941–1948) [Бисер Петров, България и новото славянско движение (1941–1948)] Sofia, Izdatelska kashta Gutenberg, 2019 (Svetlozar ELDAROV)
Nadezhda Marinchevska (ed.) Post-Totalitarian Cinema in Eastern European countries: Models and Identities. Sofia, Institute of Art Studies, BAS, 2019 (Gergana DONCHEVA)
South East European Studies in Musicology. Bulgarian Musicology, Sofia, Institute of Art Studies, 2016, N 2-3 (Lozanka PEYCHEVA)

Reading Heinz A. Richter
Heinz A. Richter, Greece 1936 – 1946. Events and People. Harrassowitz Verlag, 2019 (Bisser PETROV)
Heinz A. Richter, The Greeks in the Ottoman Empire 1913-1923: their persecution and expulsion. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz Verlag, 2018 (Ivaylo NACHEV)
Heinz А. Richter, German-Greek Relations 1940-1960 and the Merten Affair.Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz Verlag, 2019 (Dimitar DOBREV)
Heinz A. Richter, Modern Greek Myths. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz Verlag, 2019 (Georgi DIKIN)

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