Published online: 15 September 2021
Zorka PARVANOVA, The Political Life of Bulgarians in the Ottoman Empire after the Young Turk Coup between Ethno- and Inter- Nationalism
Tijana P. ZEBIĆ-BJELICA, Visual Culture and Contribution: a Trader from Pirot – Koca Stefanović
Veton LATIFI, International Order and the Balkans Following the Collapse of the Cold War Balance of Power
Christina SAVOVA, Thomas THOMOV, Two Graffiti Drawings from the Ottoman Period of Ayasofya
Alex Rodriguez SUAREZ, Bells and Bell Ringing in Medieval Serbia and Bulgaria
Miliyana KAYMAKAMOVA, A Book About a Tireless Researcher of The Balkan Middle Ages. (Balkanistikata e moyat zhivot. (Ne)poznatata Vasilka Tapkova-Zaimova, Sast. i red. Raya Zaimova [Балканистиката е моят живот. (Не)познатата Василка Тъпкова-Заимова, Съст. и ред. Рая Заимова] Sofiya, IBTST, 2020. 310 s. (Studia balcanica 34)
Irena KRISTEVA, Sur les flots du Danube littéraire. (Eliana Raytcheva et Julieta Velichkova-Borin (dir.), Jules Verne et la Bulgarie. Actes du colloque international, Sofia, 24-26 octobre 2019, Sofia, Presses de l’Université de Sofia Saint Clément d’Ohrid, 2021, 240 p.)
Vie scientifique
Dmytro MYKOLENKO, Mezhdunarodnyy onlayn kruglyy stol «Infrastruktura kak faktor modernizatsii tsentral’no-vostochnoy Yevropy v «Dolgom XIX veke» (Международный онлайн круглый стол «Инфраструктура как фактор модернизации центрально-восточной Европы в «Долгом XIX веке»)