Issue: 2021 N 2

Issue: 2021 N 2

Published online: 25 May 2021


Liliana SIMEONOVA, The Amalfitans in Byzantium: Merchants, Monks, and Political Figures, 9th – 13th Century

Mihail-George HÂNCU, “Begin as You Mean to Go On”: The Opening Chapters of the Palaea Historica in Greek, Slavonic, and Romanian

Ileana MIHAILA, Ianake Vacarescu – un lettré roumain des Lumières et son destin posthume

Vania PAPANIKOLAOU, The Reception of George Bernard Shaw in the Context of the Female Woman Star System: the Case of Pygmalion

Maria MAVROGENI, The Italian Marionettes in Athens… to Fill the Void of Joy Period of Fast

Alain VUILLEMIN, Une œuvre singulière

Comptes rendus

Julieta VELICHKOVA-BORIN, Le Don poétique de Lubomir Guentchev (Lubomir Guentchev, Écrits inédits, t. 9 et 10. Textes établis par Alain Vuillemin. Cordes-sur-Ciel, Rafael de Surtis, 2020)

Stoyanka KENDEROVA, New Sources about the History of Athens during the Ottoman Period (Ottoman Athens: Topography, Archaeology, History. Ed. by Maria Georgopoulou and Konstantinos Thanasakis. Athens, American School of Classical Studies at Athens and the Aikaterini Laskaridis Foundation, 2019)

Notices bibliographiques

Antoaneta Balcheva (sast. i red.), Kultura na patuvaneto v Evropeyskiya Yugoiztok.: [Антоанета Балчева (cъст. и ред.), Култура на пътуването в Европейския Югоизток]. Sofia, Izd. na IBCT-BAN, 2020 (Milena GEORGIEVA)

Alexandra Milanova, Ot Konstantinopol do Yanina. Vsekidnevieto na Balkanite prez pogleda na François Pouqueville [Александра Миланова, От Константинопол до Янина. Всекидневието на Балканите през погледа на Франсоа Пуквил]. Sofia, Izd. na IBCT-BAN 2020 (Dobrinka PARUSHEVA)

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