Published online: 17.03.2023
Health and Social Care Challenges and Practices in Southern and Southeastern Europe in a Long Historical Perspective: Introduction by Alexandre KOSTOV
Samuil KAMBUROV, Early Quarantine in the Western Balkans
Giovanni LOMBARDI, Set a Slave Free. Ransom as a Social Connection in the Naples of the Modern Age
Comptes rendus
Elena DELVINSKA, In the Half-shadows of History (Liliana Simeonova, V polusenkite na istoriyata. Komunikatsii, shpionazh i otrovitelstvo prez vekovete [Лиляна Симеонова, В полусенките на историята. Комуникации, шпионаж и отровителство през вековете]. Sofia, IB&CT-BAS, Iztok-Zapad Publishing House, 2022
Simeon SIMEONOV, Imperial Pasts, National Futures (Dimitris Stamatopoulos (ed.), Imagined Empires Tracing Imperial Nationalism in Eastern and Southeastern Europe. Budapest, CEU Press, 2021
Notices bibliographiques
Yura Konstantinova, Balgariya i Gartsiya v labirint ot monolozi [Юра Константинова, България и Гърция в лабиринт от монолози]. Sofia, Institute of Balkan Studies & Centre of Thracology – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 2022. (Raymond DETREZ)
Stefka Parveva, Bogatstvo i bednost sred selskite obshtnosti v provintsia Rumelia prez XVII – XVIII vek. Izsledvane i dokumenti [Стефка Първева, Богатство и бедност сред селските общности в провинция Румелия през XVII – XVIII век. Изследване и документи]. Sofia, Prof. Marin Drinov Publishing House of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 2022. (Maria SHUSHAROVA)