Issue: 2023 N 3

Issue: 2023 N 3

Published online 12/09/2023


Sofia ∙ 2023 ∙ LIX ◆ 3


Bisser PETROV, The Greek Civil War as Covered by the Cominform Journal “For a Lasting Peace, for a People’s Democracy!”

Dimitra PATRONIDOU, Cultural politics of nation-building in Eastern Macedonia and Western Thrace during Bulgarian administration 1941-1944

Maria MARKOVA, Territory and Real Estate in Kardzhali and Its Surroundings in the 1920s and 1930s

 Angel ZLATKOV, Between the Patriarchate of Constantinople and the Bulgarian Exarchate. The difficult choice of the Macedonian Bulgarians at the end of the 19th century

Doğukan ORUÇ, Between Savagery and Civilisation: Cevdet Pasha’s Inspectorship in İşkodra

Cyril PAVLIKIANOV, Athonite documents preserved in the 16th Century Codex Hierosolymitanus Graecus No. 370 of the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate in Jerusalem

Дмитрий ПОЛИВЯННИЙ, Паломничества южных славян на святую землю в ХVІ-ХVІІ вв. и создание общего православного пространства Османской империи

 Svetlana Smolčić MAKULJEVIĆ, Female donation and representation in Serbian medieval visual  culture: Queen and Empress Jelena (c. 1330-1376)

Comptes rendus

Liudmila MINDOVA, Montana in Antiquity and Modernity. Scholarly studies on the history of the city of Montana (Alexandre Kostov (sast.), Montana: edin moderen grad na 130 godini. Sbornik statii [Александър Костов (съст.), Монтана: един модерен град на 130 години. Сборник статии]. Sofia, Tendril, 2021)

Simeon SIMEONOV, Whither the Balkan revolutions? Pascal Kitromilides, Aux origines des nationalismes balkaniques. La révolution française et le sud-est de l’Europe. Athènes, École française d’Athènes, 2022.

Zorka PARVANOVA, On Russophilism and Russophobia in the Balkans, Rusia: pogledi ot Balkanite (XIXXX v.), Sast. i red. Tina Georgieva, Yura Konstantinova  [Русия: погледи от Балканите (XIXXX в.), Съст. и ред. Тина Георгиева, Юра Константинова] Sofia, IBTST-BAN, 2023.

Zorka PARVANOVA, The Balkans Through the eyes of a Latin American Revolutionary, Simeon Simeonov, Fransisko de Miranda na Balkanite: razhdaneto na ideyata za nezavisimost na Latinska Amerika [Симеон Симеонов, Франсиско де Миранда на Балканите: раждането на идеята за независимост на Латинска Америка] Sofia, IBTST-BAN, 2022.

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